Thursday, June 5, 2008


Wow y'all I am exhausted! Emotionally, physically. I worked from 10:30 until 9:00PM today and I am so tired. I am sorry that I did not write this morning, I was working on getting all my clothes in order. I am finding that I really don't have all that much to wear to the Chick-Fil-A job and am getting together clothes to sell on Cheap Cycle so that I can buy a few new pairs of clothes for the summer for Chick-Fil-A.

God has been a very active part of my day lately. I have had to rely on him for my emotional state and my phsical endurance of each day. Yesterday, I think I walked 3 miles in the mile. I walked the mall in the morning and then walked it in the afternoon. My feet were so sore, but I just kept crying out to God and wow I am finding out how much I can just talk to Him during the day. It's like He is just there with me and its fantabulous! It's like I have had my time to get the word in me and rest in Him and now its Action time. Go out and and live it and turn to Him at all times as I work in the world and work among those who don't know Him. It's amazing how much I have to rely on Him and He is so faithful!

I am so thankful that he laid on my heart to work on the anger stuff, because dealing with it has made me the woman of God that is being used in my jobs currently. There would have been a point in my life a couple of months ago where I would have been really stressed with working with the public. I would have been easily angered, but the word of God has been used to transform me and those verses are in me, used to be making me the woman of God He wants me to be to the public. Wow. I am so humbled!

Love to you all, how is everyone.


P.S. Michelle, thank you for the lovely comment you left me on my Wed. blog. I really needed that and it was so good seeing a friendly face! How I am thankful for you and your amazing exuberance of grace!

1 comment:

Healthy Chelle said...

Aw, shucks :)

I exhuberate fantasticisms and you do too!

