Ephesisans 5:15
"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,..."
I love having time to study the Word of God. I finally have started to get my butt out of bed earlier. I think I have just been so frazzled from certain events + starting a new job that I just wanted to sleep alot. But, I think I am refreshed now. I am totally looking forward to this weekend! I actually get a weekend, with no jobs:) I am so happy!
So, I started cross-referencing this verse above and found some cool stuff, then I looked in my concordance for the word 'walk' and found some rad Scriptures for it also.
Our walk with God is pretty dang important. I love that the Word describes our trek with God as a 'walk'. I love walking. And I have been doing a lot of it lately at my new job. When taking refilled drinks back to people I have to be very careful how I walk, so that I don't spill any of the drink. Our walk with God is very similar, we must be careful how we walk. We carry around in us, the living God in the form of the Holy Spirit. The Holy God whom we serve lives in us and I need to be careful how I walk everyday. For our walk should be led by the Holy Spirit.
Here are some things I learned to day from Scripture:
1. We are to walk in LOVE (Ephesians 5:2, Colossians 3:14, John 13:34). Why walk in Love. Well, first God commands it, Second He was willing to live it out. Remember, being wise is taking what you know and putting it into action in your daily life. Jesus was the Master of all this! His example is the example we should follow.
2. We need to walk blamelessly(Genesis 17:1). What is being blameless? In my bible it is described as 'having integrity'. Peeps, we need to walk in such a way that others cannot accuse us. In such a way that the light of Christ can shine fully. Even as I write this, I am so convicted, becuase I know that by myself I can't walk a life that is blameless. I will have to rely daily on walking in the Spirit. For that is the only way I can do this. In Genesis 17:1 it says, 'Walk before Me and be blameless'. I have to 'walk before Him'. That is the only answer for this equation. I have to be listening and willing to follow where He leads, keeping my eyes on Him continually.
3. Our walk with God will be tested, by Him.(Exodus 16:4). Why would God test our walk? He desires to see if we will walk with Him through thick or thin or if we will pull away. I see so many Christians give up...in so many things.... in their marriages, in their kids lives, in their jobs, with their friends. Circumstances like deaths, illness, drama, misunderstandings drive so many away from Christ. I have come to learn that it is the hard times that I ask Christ, 'Lord, what would you have me learn? What are you trying to teach me out of this?' There is always something to be grasped. He does not test us for our failure, but that we would realize His strength to get us through. That we would learn to trust and lean upon Him heavily in those times and learn that we can do that in All Times. That is what our walk is about.
4. Walking in God's Truth and His ways is primarily done by reading and living out His Word. (1 Kings 2:34, Deuteronomy 17:18-20). The kings of the Old Testament were required to write down the word of God and read it everyday. Why? So that they would walk carefully as they led the people of Israel. Wow, not much has changed. So many people say, 'Ah, the Bible is so boring. I don't get the Bible. etc. etc. excuse after excuse.' But, just like the kings of old, we are called as Children of God to pick up our bibles and read them and learn them so that we would walk carefully. We can't live the Word if we don't know what it says. Invest in commentaries, bible devotionals to help you learn parts of the Bible that are confusing or boring. Ask your questions of your pastor, small group leaders, men's small group leaders, women's small group leaders, professors at biblical colleges and seminaries, biblical internet sites. Even, be willing to ask God your questions. He has answered many questions for me and I am sure He will for you too.
Well, I know this was very long winded today, but there was much to learn and I am excited about this journey!! I hope you are as well!
Have a great day y'all!