Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Y'all, Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be crazy days for blogs and if I am late in the day doing them, forgive me, but its the only time I have to do them on those days. Please be prayerful for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am begging for prayer. I start work at 10:30 and then go to the other job until 9:00PM. I am really tired on those days, but much like yesterdays blog, I see Gods hand on me, His strength getting me through. However, I notice that about mid-day I am pretty cranky and start getting a headache and I don't want that. I want the fullness of the Holy Spirit lifting me up and I do forget to ask God for that, but I need to learn. Just to cry to Him in my weakest and most vulnerable moments.

I am so thankful for God's word. I really feel that my month long study on 'anger' has done sooo much for me. It's like it is solidified in my body and my mind and I am so thankful to be less angry towards others. When I am tempted to be, His word comes to my mind and I am just so thankful!

I have a funny story from the library today! A woman asked me to come over to help her on the computer. She said she had put in her card and password and it was not letting her on the internet. I immediately looked at the top of the screen and lo and behold it was one our card catalog computers. I explained to her that these computers were not internet accessible. She said, 'well, I put my card in and everything'. Well, as she was saying that line she was pointing to the floppy disk insert in the computer. She said, 'See I put my card in there, why won't it work'. Ladies, it took all of the grace of God to keep me from laughing hysterically in front of her. Yes, she put her card in the floppy disk insert thinking it would read her card. Lord, that was so hilarious. What was most hilarious is that she was so naive and really believed it would read her card.

Anyways, enough of me. How was your day??


1 comment:

Healthy Chelle said...

The library story was just what I needed this morning. Too funny!