Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Adam and Eve

Dude, those two messed up big time. But, you know what, I can't even judge, because I am no better than them! So, I have started to look at the Bible and read from beginning to end(Lord, what have I started:o.... the stories of the Bible in regards to obedience. What does God tell someone to do and do they follow or disobey. Then what are the rewards and consequences of their behavior.

I took a quick look at Adam and Eve yesterday. Adam was told about that darn tree even before Eve was created. He knew what God's standard was, he knew the rule. God had told him face to face. However, Eve was tempted and then tempted Adam. Now there are so many theories and opinions about where Adam was when Eve was tempted. Some say he was right there with her the whole time, that she came to him later, etc. I could care less where Adam was. What I do care about, is that in either instance, he knew the rule, the standard. He knew where that fruit had come from and chose to ate anyway. Wow, that sounds really familiar to me. I am just as guilty. I know what God's word says, but often I am tempted and pulled away by my own lusts and I give into sin. Knowing all along what God wants of me: To be more like Him.

There were definite consequences for Adam and Eve's actions: Pain in childbirth was greatly multiplied, working the ground would now be very difficult(much sweat would be put into working), plus they were banished from the Garden forever.

Notice though that, the relationship between God and Man is not severed. God is still with Adam and Eve. God is just being a normal parent in this situation, wrong behavior has negative consequences. But, the relationship remains intact no matter what. Nothing can remove our relationship with God as long as we have truly confessed Him as Lord and are willing to follow Him and repent truly when we mess up. I believe the mark of a true Christian is one who loves God and is willing to admit wrong when they have done so and are willing to change. In our 'victim mentality' culture these days I don't see many people taking on the responsibility of their choices. They want to blame others for their bad behavior and become the victim. I want to be a woman of God strong enough to take the hit when I have done something wrong and admit it, ask for forgiveness and repent so that I don't return to that behavior again. Thank goodness for forgiveness, but with forgiveness is also repentance. We must never forget repentance. Because it is that term that keeps us from taking advantage of forgiveness and grace.

CHALLENGE: Whose voice are you listening too? God's, yours, others? Does that voice lead you closer to Christ or away from Christ?

I know that I listen to others way too much, and I desire to learn the voice of my Shepherd. I know that I am supscetible to the same temptation Adam and Eve fell into, but I want to make sure I learn from the story and avoid their pitfall.

NChrist, Susan

1 comment:

Healthy Chelle said...

It's funny that you ask what voices am I listening too. I have definitely been struggling with my own mind lately. I need to really pray that God would renew my mind and would bring back my ability to focus.

Love you girl!