Monday, July 14, 2008


Cow Appreciation Day was a huge success at both of our stores!
The Westport Rd. store had about 290 Cows show up or people with the cow headbands.
The Mall had 192 of the same!
My goal for the mall was 100 and I exceeded that! Glory to God!
All that hard work paid off and I just praise God!

Michael's mom: She starts re-hab this week. She has been very complainy. See, she has bought into that whole 'name it, claim it' theology. And she just does not understand why God has not healed her and she feels like life cannot begin until she can walk again. We have been talking to her about this to show her what Scripture says and to show her that God uses the shameful things of the world to shame the wise, the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God can and has a purpose for her, wheelchair or not. There is much to do and many decisions to be made, but the Lord is being incredibly faithful. His hand is on all of this and it feels great being a family.

Please be praying for all of these things, how can I be praying for you all?

Psalm 119:45 'And I will walk in Liberty, for I seek your precepts.'

Have a great day and walk in Liberty!


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