Friday, May 9, 2008

Prayer Request Day

Peeps, post your prayer requests. Let's spend time this weekend in prayer for our brothers and sisters.

Plus, keep up on getting yo five in during the weekend. I will glad to give 2 extra entries for those who read 5 verses on Saturday and Sunday. Just let me know what you read!! Plus, get your families involved, because that equals more chances for you to win!! Next Friday is the Drawing!!

Here are my two prayer requests:

1. Keep the people of the Burma area in your prayers. It breaks my heart the devastation there and how many people have died and now are homeless and without necessary items to live. Pray for a supernatural movement of God in that region. I keep praying that God would do a 'loaves and fishes' miracle there.

2. Pray for our church's Car and Bike Show tommorow. Pray that the rain will stay a way and that many would attend. All proceeds go to our Youth Ministry and will help many kids be able to attend our Mission Trip to New Orleans this year.

Thanks y'all for a blessed week of comments and inspiration. I look back and I am just amazed at our growth in Christ!!

Have a great weekend!

NChrist, Susan

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Word is full of wisdom

Yesterday, I was reading over the verses that I have researched for my anger stuff with James 1:19. I am just amazed at what wisdom is in the Word of God. Check it out:

Proverbs 14:29 He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick tempered exalts folly.

(I desire to be a wise-walker, and I really don't feel like being one who exalts folly. Yeesh.)

Proverbs 16:32 He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and He who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.

(That is a radical verse! Being slow to anger results in being better than someone who is mighty. And one who rules his spirit is better than someone who captures a city! Back in the day and even now, I think being mighty and capturing cities are highly favored among people. It's all about being the best, but God's wisdom is always opposite. He says, 'hey you, you want to be mighty? Then guess what, be slow to anger and rule your spirit. Wow. Totally counter-cultural!)

Proverbs 19:11 A man's discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.

(OVERLOOK A TRANSGRESSION, are you serious! Wow, this one hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday! It is to someone's GLORY that they overlook an offense. Whoa. That is some deep stuff. But, it makes sense, that if you are slow to anger, that, that part of the verse will be do-able. This is why I desire to be slow to anger, instead of easily angered. I desire to not be a fool. I desire to be mighty God's way. I desire to overlook a transgression. )

God's Word is rich with wisdom and it is truly teaching me things that are transforming.

How is God word teaching you and what are you learning and putting into practice??

P.S. Keep encouraging your friends to participate in the Get Yo Five In contest. I took the 'anonymous comment' block off. So anybody can leave a comment now. I know that was holding some people back, so feel free to leave comments now:) Plus, there is one family out there reading this blog who have three people reading Scripture. So, everyday they are getting 3 entries into the contest, so I encourage all of you out there, get your families involved. See if your husbands, wives, or children are interested, that way you get more entries in the drawing as a family and you grow in the wisdom of the Word. Plus, I would be glad to count one entry if you read 5 verses to your children who aren't reading yet.

Remember, tommorow is Prayer Request Day, so be thinking about something we could be praying with you about during the weekend.

Thanks and have a great day!

NChrist, Susan

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Peeps, pose your questions that you have. Again, I can't promise that I can answer them, but the point is that we feel free that we can question and that each one of us can help the other (Michelle, I love how you tackled the question last night! Thanks for that!).

My best friend inspired this days topic. She was here last year and we were riding in my car down to the farm and she mentioned that she never felt like she could ask questions in our youth group growing up. Even though I didn't feel the same, it made me sad that she felt like that. So, I came home and talked to Michael about it, at that time, for the purpose of our youth ministry. I wanted to ensure that our youth ministry was a place where teens felt free to ask questions. I believe with the Truth Project and starting the NOOMA curriculum now, that we are accomplishing that. And on here, I want that same type of vibe. I don't ever want one of our teens or one of my readers telling another friend, 'hey, I don't feel like I can question anything in youth group or on susan's blog.' My growth in Christ has always come from questions!

Second, thanks for those who are participating in the contest, I am loving what God is doing in our Bible reading times! I love hearing the questions, the things you are learning! Wow, it is so exciting!

I am finding that the more I want to commit to the Lord to work on James 1:19 and other verses that my sin nature is right there and Satan is right there. It really eerks me. But, so far, I have just called out to God for help to overcome, knowing that God wants the best for me and Satan and my sin nature DON'T!

Keep up all the great work!

Here is my question: How do you all tackle temptation??

NChrist, Susan

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How did they do it?

As I was reading my 'anger' verses I came upon Proverbs 15:1 'A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger'. I thought about this verse and then I started to think about people in the bible who I felt were a good example of living out the first part of that verse. My mind wandered to Joseph. This was the dude who was sold to a traveling caravan of Egyptians by his own brothers. Then in Egypt, he worked for Potiphar and he was put in charge of many things in Potiphars house. However, Potiphars wife was a drama-mama who really wanted to get in the bed with Joseph. He resistes temptation, and well, that ticks her off. She is able to tear a piece of cloth off of Josephs tunic and later uses that as evidence to Potiphar that Joseph tried to rape her. So, Joseph gets put in jail. He is in there for a little while, being a great witness to those around him. He is put in charge of things in the jail. He helps two people get out of jail, because he interpreted the dream of the Pharoah, Unfortunately, those two people had used Joseph to interpret the dreams so they could get out, when in all reality it was Joseph who was the one who deserved to be set free. Well, Pharoah has another dream and one of the guys let go, tells Pharoah that Joseph is down there and can interpret the dream. Joseph interprets the dream, is released and is put in charge of many things in Egpyt. There comes a famine in his home land and his brothers have to come to Egpyt to get supplies and food. They are put before Joseph, they have no idea its him, but Joseph knows its them. He does not get angry. Instead he tests them and they return and it is then that Joseph reveals himself.

Wow, what a history! Joseph amazes me. Here would have been my story:
Susan gets sold by her family. She ends up at Potiphars house, grumbles around, gets thrown in jail for sloppy work. While in jail, gets bitter. Interprets the dreams, then gets really bitter at the two guys who did her wrong with the 'dreams' issue. Finally, gets to interpret Pharoahs dream, does it rightly. Then while in office, takes revenge on Potiphar, his wife, the two dudes and then makes his brothers slaves. Now this is very embellished, but it just goes to show that I would not be thinking to be as nice as Joseph was.

However, that is why I believe Joseph is a part of history, especially recorded in the Bible. His example is one worth following. One that you don't see very often these days. I know what my old nature, my sin nature wants to fall into! But, I am a saved woman of God who has the seal of the Holy Spirit within her. The Holy Spirit resides in all who believe. Only with the power of God and the prompts of the HOly Spirit can I follow the example the Joseph, let alone the example of Christ. Like Joseph, I need to be reminded that those who do not know Christ won't act like Christ and I don't need to hope against hope that they will seek to treat me well. I don't need to be surprised when they, like the two dudes in the story above, do me wrong for personal gain. However, it does not mean that I get bitter and do them the way they did me! Boy, if that were true, then Jesus would have let me take on my own cross. Yet, instead He took the cross for me, doing something for me that I did not deserve. That is our example folks, and it is a hard one. But, you know what, God looked down on Joseph and obviously granted him favor and blessings and freedom! Joseph knew to trust God and to endure. That word 'endure' is not heavily used in our vocabulary anymore. When it gets too hot or the pressure comes, we give up and we especially give up on the power of God to get us through. I am guilty of this too! But, I say, enough, I AM different and I need to live different. If I say I am a CHRISTian then I need to just suck it up and live like the one I say I follow; Christ. I am imperfect and in desperate need daily to let Christ do what He sees best. He obviously wants me to work on this anger thing and to learn how to deal with annoying people wisely, how to deal with those who cut me off on the road, learn how to love those who are absolutely unlovable. Because my life is now all about giving God the Glory and that is so worth it to me, because of what He did on the Cross for me and what He daily does for me!! Wooh, I am all fired up, can you tell.

So, folks, go out there and work on the hard things in your life.

1. Keep making time for Him, He's so totally worth it!
2. Get Yo Five in!
3. Go and Apply those five verses to your day, to your week, to your month!

You all totally rock my socks off and I am totally thankful for all of you who are participating in this blog!

See ya tommorow

NChrist, Susan

Monday, May 5, 2008

Let the Race Begin!

Yup, the contest starts today! Here is a re-cap of what is going down.

Get five verses in a day and let me know! I will then enter your name into a drawing to win a $15 LifeWay Bookstore Gift Card!


1. For everyday you accomplish the task, I will put your name in a drawing.

2.I will place an extra entry into the bowl for reading more than five verses a day.

3.I will place an extra entry in for people you refer to my site WHO LEAVE A COMMENT.

You must write down the verses you read for that day in your comment and leave me one sentence comment about why you read those verses or what they taught you.So, in a day, you could get up to three entries into the bowl!

Now, about spiritual stuff.

I really think I am gonna stick on this James 1:19 stuff for 2-3 more weeks. I need more time to be really victorious at living out this verse. I mean, I need to always be living it, but to make it a habit of living, I really think I need a few more weeks to get it into my brain. I am not asking you to study the same verse or work on your anger management issues, just find something you need to work on and read the Bible and let it mold you into the image of Christ. I want to hear what you are working on and how you do with it. I want stories. I want us encouraging each other to be 'imitators of Christ'(Ephesians 5:1).

Here are two more things:

1. I want to make Wednesday 'Question of the Day'. That's right, feel free to ask the tough questions. I can't promise that I will always have the answer, but I want this blog to be one where people feel free to question and be honest about their relationship with Christ.

2. Fridays will be 'Prayer Request' Day. Post your prayer requests and let's, as a group, lift up these prayers during the weekend time off.

Lastly, for those who might be working on the James 1:19 thing with me, here are some verses that I have cross-referenced that deal with that verse and give more insight and direction as to how we should be in this area: Proverbs 15:1, 3, 5b, 18, 24, 26b, 31, 33. Proverbs 14:29, Ecclesiastes 10:4, Proverbs 16:32, Proverbs 19:11, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27, Romans 12:20-21, Ephesians 4:32, etc, etc.

Enjoy, pass the word and get of five in!! Looking forward to hearing from everybody!
